Friday, 30 December 2011

Plastic Soldier Company

Well I must have been a good boy in 2011 as Father Christmas brought me my first 2 boxes from The Plastic Soldier company. I've been following them online for some time and have been meaning to buy something from them for ages. Well I got one box of German Stug III Ausf F8/Gand another of SdKfz 251 Ausf D Halftrack.

I've put one of each together sofar. The assembly process is a little fiddly for the Stug, especially for the tracks, but overall isn't too difficult. Each one took me about 20 minutes (or one episode of American Dad which I was watching on TV as I put them together). I'll try to take some step by step photos when I stick the rest together. There are plenty of options for the Stug, you can make up about 4 variants, so its good for both the Mid and Late war player.

At about £16 a box (or less if you shop on-line) these are quite the bargain.

Below are some comparison shots, with the PSC model next to their Battlefront equivalent. As you can see in terms of size both models are near identical. I'll take some more shots when painted but I think they should be virtually indistinguishable.

 The SdKfz 251. PSC on the left.

 The Stug. PSC on the left.

15mm Forged in Battle British

A few photos of my latest project. A WW2 15mm British force for use with Blitzkrieg Commander and Flames of War.

It has to be said that the FIB miniatures are excellent. They are crisp, are require very little prep work. In fact they are considerably easier to work with than Battlefronts Infantry.

I took these pictures a few months ago, I've just purchased a 2nd platoon to paint up and I hope to add a step by step guide to the painting guide at a later date.

The FIB stuff is also excellent value. If you shop around a platoon costs about £8.50-£9. This makes them one of the cheapest sources of 15mm WW2 miniatures in metal. Unlike Battlefront however you must provide your own bases. I find Warbases to be an excellent source of bases. The are about 1/3 the price of Battlefront bases, and as they are made of MDF they don't warp.

 Here are 2 of the Mortar Teams.
And all I had painted at the time. 2 mortar Stands, 2 infantry stands and a command stand. I've since painted allot more.